Unlearning A Fixed Mindset: Leaving Old Habits Behind

Ever since I was young, I always had this feeling like I’d never have enough time. This feeling was literally applied to everything, but as I got older, it became less like a feeling, and more like a mindset. It applied to bike riding with my friends, making funny home videos after school with friends, […]
Beauty and Beginnings, Rooted in Health: Starting Your Garden With Root Vegetables

Hello friends from all over! Have you started your garden yet this year? Do you have any plans that you’d like to share? Today we will talk about how our garden differs this year from others and what we’re doing to keep a little more for when everything is done growing. Let’s grow! Shifting to […]
Shining Light on Stress and Mental Health Barriers: Lessons Learned From the Solar Eclipse

Hey all! Have you heard? May was National Mental Awareness Month and we passed recently through National Stress Awareness Month in April! If you’re anything like me…or the many humans that experience stress and mental health barriers, you’ll want to check out today’s post for some apps and tricks on how to navigate some of […]
Navigating Hardships: Finding Strength in Slowing Down

Hey friends, Last week we talked about how working through personal problems is at best the one of the hardest things we as humans have to do…and we’re often doing that alone. It’s not easy, being you, and I just want you to understand that I’m here for you. I’m here providing an open book […]
The Road Less Traveled: My Journey To Healthy Part 1

Hey there all of my beautiful interweb friends. I’m sure some of you may be wondering where I’ve been the last few months. Off and on here, that’s for sure! That’s because of several reasons. Both personally and professionally. Some of which we’ve talked about on the blog. But I’d like to talk to you […]
What Are Your Pillars? Mental, Physical, Emotional Health Foundations

Hey you. How are you doing? Mentally, physically, emotionally? Is all well or is one of these three pillars of your foundation on the brink of collapse? Let’s chat today about life in 2024 and how we’re handling it thus far. As well as how we can approach situations differently and come out on top […]
Road to Success: Embracing Perseverance in Life in the Face of Adversity in 2024

In the last post we talked about trusting the process and how it means different things to all of us as humans. Today something similar has been floating around in my mind and that my friends is the word, perseverance. To trust the process of life, we need to persevere through the ups and downs. […]
What Does Trust the Process Mean in 2024?

Not long ago we talked about goals and ambitions for the year ahead. While those are still in the forefront of my mind, life steps in and takes over, therefore changing the many ways of thinking that we continually experience. Today let’s talk about how to move through these changes and what it takes to […]
5 Steps To Achieving Your 2024 Goals and How I’m Planning Mine

Hello again, friend! As the first month of 2024 quickly comes to a close, there are many things that still need accomplished in the remaining 11. Come along with me today and chat with me about what my goals and plans are and learn how I’m realizing what works best to get those goals actually […]
To Conquer Your Goals in 2024, You’ll Need To Become Your Own Teacher

Goals. That’s what this month is all about, right? Goals to do better in the physical health world mostly, goals to excel in your studies or career, and goals to just be an all around better person in life. This isn’t something that was hard-wired in my brain growing up, it was there, buried way […]