Mind, body, and soul.
Hey there beautiful people! My name is Shelby and I’m here to talk to you about life. My life, your life, our lives, and our experiences of course!
Habitual Balance is all about finding balance between work, school, home, family, and your own space. It’s about gaining an understanding of how far you’ve got to go or how far you’ve come in reaching your goals within the habits that you’ve created or are still in the process of creating. It’s about finding the right path to both your physical and mental health. While we grow together through this website, I want to offer to you what I feel is something of pure value. I believe I can truly help extend some assistance in the road you’re on, because plain and simply, I’m just another human being going through the same exact journey.
Our journeys will all differ of course, depending on a multitude of factors, however we are all here at the same time and the same place experiencing life as a whole. Instead of going it alone, what do you say we find some new habits to balance and take this journey together?