Healthy Hacks, Delicious Smoothies, and the Secret to Eating More to Weigh Less!
Hey guys! Now, we have been chatting for some time together about a healthier lifestyle both mentally and physically. Anddd I promised to share with you all some of my tried and true favorite things! In today’s post, I’m going to share with you my best smoothie recipe yet, including some other tips on how […]
Overcoming Negativity On The Scale: How I’m Learning To Be Okay With My Body
A while ago, more specifically last Fall (2023), my doctor told me I’d need to lose 15-18 pounds to reverse my fatty liver and get back on track with my health. Mind you, I am a (beginner level) mountain climbing, BJJ lady that hikes 10 miles for fun on a regular basis. I eat well […]
Utilizing Garden Veggies To Save Money While Meal Prepping
Hello there and happy summer my friends of the internet! The time has come where we are midway through the gardening season in this neck of the woods which means a few things. Canning is upon us, green beans are full speed ahead, and I have more lettuce than I can fit in 3 salad […]
Beauty and Beginnings, Rooted in Health: Starting Your Garden With Root Vegetables
Hello friends from all over! Have you started your garden yet this year? Do you have any plans that you’d like to share? Today we will talk about how our garden differs this year from others and what we’re doing to keep a little more for when everything is done growing. Let’s grow! Shifting to […]
Fall Into New Crops For Your Garden
Hey ladies and gents! If you’re wondering how to implement more in-season veggies into your life, I’d like to give you a hand! As we move into Fall and out of the Summer heat here in the Northeast, fewer things become available to harvest. There is still a lot of options for you though! Let’s […]
How Gardening Is Good For Your Soul
Hello friends of the online realm! Today we’re starting out a new month in Fall and a new topic for the next few weeks! October will be all about gardening. How we got started, what we do to maintain, resources that we hold near and dear, and finally anything that you may (or may not!) […]
Looking Internally – Rediscovering Your Why & Why It’s So Important To Growth
Greetings fellow humans! Today I’m coming at you from a quaint little spot in the heart of town. It’s quiet, it’s peaceful, it’s the old timey gives you good vibes feeling kind of place. Stumbling upon this tiny gem of a restaurant got me thinking, a lot more than what I thought I actually went […]
Introducing Habitual Balance
Out of Balance As I sat down today to write the first blog post of Habitual Balance, I leaned back and closed my eyes. I sat there, waiting for the thought bubbles to come floating in. Nothing. I opened my eyes, sat up straight, really focused, and still…nothing. Then, I had a first time experience. […]