Here’s 5 Reasons Why You Need To Be Your Own Best Friend

Hey you fabulous person you. Go ahead, pat yourself on the back because only you can fix your uncomfy situation, and by being here, with a like-minded person going through the same things, is step one. For reals friend, you’ve already recognized that your situation is less than ideal, so you went searching on the […]
When You Quit Trying to Control, You Can Begin Living

Will it ever be easy? Letting something go? Whether it be a person, place or thing, even a pet, it’s hard to let things go when they constantly weigh on you. So instead, we grab onto the control button because it’s the next best thing to determine our fate. Or is it? Even though we’ll […]
Discovering How To Have Gratitude For Any And All Of Life’s Bounties

Hello my friends! As I was in the Lowes parking lot today, I had no intention of coming out with anything but a few cases of water. You see, I missed our last water delivery, so I’ve been needing to pick more before the next drop off. (I know I know, #firstworldproblems). However, I ended […]
Figuring Out How To Put Pain First: Looking Through A Different Lens

Who said pain was ever a bad thing? I look at it differently these days. This may sound controversial but I use it as motivation to do better, get stronger, and keep pushing my momentum into the great unknown. It has a bad rep but if you sit back and look at the bigger picture, […]
Personal Growth: The Ultimate Long Game

You think you know yourself and then life goes ahead and slaps you in the face again. WHY? Because well, it can. And it does, repeatedly. It’s times like these that make me step back and realize that even though you thought there was a road there one day, doesn’t mean there can’t be a […]
Turning Things Around At 33: Why It’s Never Too Late To Start Embracing Change With Growth

Hey friends. A lot has happened since we started this journey together. Pushing through adversity has been one of the hardest things to overcome in my journey to a more present self. Let’s talk today about how that’s going and how you can learn to get through tougher times to enjoy yourself more on a […]
When Push Comes To Shove, Remember To Not Compare

Last night I had a breakdown. It was small but it was mighty enough to kick me into gear again. I’m always wondering where life will go from here, and looking for ways to broaden my horizons in any way possible. Upon leaving the grocery store yesterday though, my mind went into straight spiral mode […]
Dealing With Change: An Uncomfortable Shift In Mindset And A Lesson Learned

I was standing in a beautiful stone built shower this evening with clean, hot water running over me. As I washed my hair with what some may call bougie shampoo, a question popped into my head. Why is it so hard to believe that I may have just changed? What is the real problem with […]
Learning to Gain Freedom in The Mind, Body, And Spirit

Lately we talked about letting go of the chaos in our lives. Have you made any changes since then? Today I’d like to talk a little about the ones I’ve made so far, and how they’ve since affected my overall well-being. I’m sleeping better, I have *slightly* less anxiety, and my home is becoming less […]
Breaking Through The Pressure Of Society’s Expectations

Sometimes I wonder how I got here. How did my liver decline to the point of needing to reverse it? How am I nearly 33 years old without one single child? Did I do something wrong? Or is this somehow all actually more right than I would like to give it credit for? These are […]