Reigniting The Feeling: Visiting Your Previous Self & Understanding What’s Changed

Woman with surfboard on her head. She is looking for a spiritual awakening.

Have you ever gotten stuck? I would almost guarantee that you’ve gotten stuck somewhere along this journey called life. It’s mental hell sometimes, and you know what? I’m right there with you. We’re going deeper today to look at experiencing a spiritual awakening. Are you ready? — A few years ago my spiritual life changed. […]

What Are Your Pillars? Mental, Physical, Emotional Health Foundations

what are your pillars

Hey you. How are you doing? Mentally, physically, emotionally? Is all well or is one of these three pillars of your foundation on the brink of collapse? Let’s chat today about life in 2024 and how we’re handling it thus far. As well as how we can approach situations differently and come out on top […]

5 Steps To Achieving Your 2024 Goals and How I’m Planning Mine

5 Steps for 2024 for a better you

Hello again, friend! As the first month of 2024 quickly comes to a close, there are many things that still need accomplished in the remaining 11. Come along with me today and chat with me about what my goals and plans are and learn how I’m realizing what works best to get those goals actually […]

To Conquer Your Goals in 2024, You’ll Need To Become Your Own Teacher

To Conquer your goals in 2024 you'll need to become your own teacher.

Goals. That’s what this month is all about, right? Goals to do better in the physical health world mostly, goals to excel in your studies or career, and goals to just be an all around better person in life. This isn’t something that was hard-wired in my brain growing up, it was there, buried way […]

Working From Home And How It Has Molded Me

Working from home habitual balance

Once in a while we get blessed with an “Aha” moment. Those moments can be big or small, mind-blowing or just a newly discovered thought. Working from home off and on the last few years has been a journey to say the least. It’s pushed me to new levels of being, helped me to understand […]

Moving Ahead And Appreciating The Now

Let's chat about moving ahead in the new year and how I've been focusing more on "appreciating the now" lately.

We talked a little so far in December about how to stay more present within the tasks you’re focusing on and why that gratitude should be taken a little less for granted. Today I’d like to chat with you about moving ahead in the new year and how I’ve been focusing more on “appreciating the […]

Habitual Growth: Looking Back And Moving Forward

habitual growth

Hey guys. If you’ve been along on our journey so far, you may have noticed that we skipped a week here at Habitual Balance. That’s because of a few things that we’ll walk through today. December is already several days in and it’s flying by faster than ever. Have you taken a moment in time […]

Moving Through Self-Reflection To Get To Self-Acceptance

Self-Reflection to get to Self-Acceptance

As we move further through the stages of self-reflection, we move nearer and nearer to the realm of self-acceptance. Accepting one’s self for what they are is one of the most difficult things to do, at least in my experience. Have you ever heard of “the fantasy self?” Or wondered why you’re pulled in several […]

How Self Reflection Helps You Grow as a Person

how can self reflection help you grow as a person

Last week we talked about finding our truest selves, and the week before that we spoke on using November as a month of self-reflection. That is what road we’ll be continuing down in this post, so if you’d like to dive into a little more about how we can keep growing despite changes that happen […]