We Are All Just Robots Living In An AI-Inspired World (But It Doesn’t Have To Be That Way)

Sometimes it seems like the day takes forever when you’re not in control of it, doesn’t it? The day ticks slowly away as you move through the motions of work, school, or whatever it may be that you’re not enjoying at the moment. But then the bell rings, the workday ends, and the rest of […]
Discovering How To Have Gratitude For Any And All Of Life’s Bounties

Hello my friends! As I was in the Lowes parking lot today, I had no intention of coming out with anything but a few cases of water. You see, I missed our last water delivery, so I’ve been needing to pick more before the next drop off. (I know I know, #firstworldproblems). However, I ended […]
Time To Start Thriving In Life Instead Of Simply Surviving: Kauai, Part 2

Someone asked me about my recent trip today. I think they were more excited than I was to talk about it. People keep telling me they’re trying to live vicariously through my travel adventures. And all I can keep thinking of is like, then why not just go yourself? There’s something to think about with […]
Escape Vs. Experience: The Journey To Becoming Self-Aware: Kauai, Part 1

Did you ever just melt into your bed after even a short day of work? Well, that’s exactly what happened to me today. On my first day back to the daily grind waiting tables, I was lucky enough to get off early…only to find time to work on a new project (which I’ll be introducing […]
Have You Embraced The Secluded & Serene Beauty Of Seneca Rocks, West Virginia?

Recently, I went on a long weekend trip with my spouse of now 10 years. We traveled to a beautiful place in the mountains of West Virginia called Seneca Rocks. If you’ve heard of it before, or have even had the opportunity to visit there in the past, you’ll understand that it has some seriously […]
We Backpacked Rim-River-Rim Of The Grand Canyon In 2 Days: Here’s A Few Things We Learned

Hey friends! If you’ve been following along for a while, you’ll know that more and more travel tips will be coming your way as we move forward on this blog. Although there are many trips I’d like to share with you, I think starting with one of the hardest feels like the best way to […]
How Traveling and Adventure Changed My Attitude Toward Life

Today marks the 33rd year of my life. It’s definitely had its ups and downs over those decades but you know what? Every single one of them was worth it. I have grown into what I truly feel is the best version of myself so far, and I feel more and more confident every day […]