fighting anxiety woman looks toward nature for peace

Reclaiming My Life: The Fight Against Anxiety Part 1

fighting anxiety woman looks toward nature for peace

Reclaiming My Life: The Fight Against Anxiety Part 1

Hey guys. We have talked a lot about self-growth on this blog, but I wanted to share with you a little more about my more recent vulnerabilities that I’ve been experiencing. As a human, we all have our flaws. We all have comfort zones and levels to push past on a daily and regular basis. As I sit here with you tonight, I admit that I indulged in some stress gummies to calm my nerves as the later the night goes on, the more my anxiety gets the best of me. These comfort zones come in all forms and start on many levels, so let’s talk about those this evening as I work on some of my own.

Shall we?

Blonde girl in hoody on her Apple Macboook.

As the Stars Shine, Darkness of Anxiety Sets In

As children, we usually feel invincible, we do things without thinking about the consequences, we push past limits on a regular basis without even realizing it, and we typically need help less and less as we grow up. Some of us on the other hand, (like myself), am overthinking every single thing about my current situation because well, my brain has went from relax mode to high alert because it is now completely dark outside and I’m outside of the limits of where we usually stay on vacations.

Tonight, we are 5 nights into our trip and staying at a beautiful, secluded off-grid cabin. In the daytime, its views are unmatched. The sands flow around you while the desert vegetation blows gently in the wind. The landscape is so picturesque it feels like you’re in a painting or a postcard. We had dehydrated chicken Alfredo for dinner with sparkling water and cookies that we brought in for dessert. We watched the sunset together and read outside before it concluded. It’s been an amazing evening.

But here we are, less than 1 hour into the darkness and I’m having a mini panic attack every time my husband asks if we can go outside soon to view the incredible dark sky with stars all around.

…Why does this happen? Does it happen to all of us? Do we have a shut off switch to turn off the panic mode and keep it locked in relaxation?

Where do you fall on this scale of anxiety, this fear of the unknown?

What is your comfort zone?

Related:  Breaking Through The Pressure Of Society’s Expectations

Blonde woman in denim jacket in door way of wooden cabin.  Seeking anxiety relief with peaceful stay.

The Weight of Anxiety as a Child and as an Adult

A long time ago when I was a child it was the same. I remember always needing someone to help me when things got just a little scary and I just don’t know why. It’s aggravating now as an adult to think back and wonder why I couldn’t just “grow up.”

You see, we all face different challenges in life. We all handle them differently and we all adapt to them as we age. It’s where we’re willing to go to shut down that fear, that anxiety, that unnecessary stress. It’s how far and how hard we want to move past these bothersome challenges that tie us to an anchor of uncomfortable condemnation.

Before we even left the airport, before we even checked into our stays, I felt the anxiety creeping in. I continued to push it down deep…but I also am trying something new this time around.

I’m trying to intentionally put myself in these uncomfortable situations. Crazy, right?

I used to think so, too. Nowadays, I think more clearly about my current standing with fear and with suppressing that angst. Nowadays, I want to push through the damn thing. Because frankly, I’m just plain old tired of feeling this way.

Related:  Shining Light on Stress and Mental Health Barriers: Lessons Learned From the Solar Eclipse

Fighting anxiety starts with step  1.

Taking the First Step Against Anxiety

What have you done lately that has been uncomfortable?

When have you felt like you have intentionally challenged yourself in this life?

Most often, we dislike being uncomfy, so we just continue on throughout our day, doing the usual thing over and over and living a (in my opinion), more mundane, boring lifestyle.

As the kids say today, (I don’t actually know, because I’m not a kid anymore, boo to that), you only live once.
…or not, who actually knows?

I’ve decided in these last few years that I want to stop pretending I’m fearless, even though I live in fear in certain situations.

I want to start being more of myself around my loved ones, showing my true feelings even when they show my weakness, and start putting myself in places, situations and opportunities that make me move through those feelings.

Basically, I want to start feeling totally and completely, free.

To be free is to be alive, to be alive is to feel everything, to feel everything is to be okay with becoming more vulnerable. I’m starting to learn that I can handle that better than I’d thought.

Try one thing this week to show a loved one that you are uncomfortable, talk to them and hear what their opinions are on how you can move through whatever it is that’s been bothering you.

I know you can do this. I know you have it in you to handle whatever vulnerability lies in your way of becoming your most comfortable you.

You just need to take the first step.

Woman with hat navigating down desert cave ladder.  She is wearing a purse around her neck.  She has on white tennis shoes.


Thank You for Reading Today’s Fight Against Anxiety

I want to thank all my readers and supporters who have traveled with me on my journey so far including today’s post about fighting against anxiety.   If you need help with your fight with anxiety, the National Alliance on Mental Illness has some great resources.  Have you had to fight anxiety in your life?  Want more tips? Let us know.

Habitual Balance began in January 2023 as just a thought bubble inside my head. I wound up in the hospital with what I thought was a stroke, and landed on my couch with serious anxiety about how I was living my life for 30 years. Since then, it has grown into a beautiful piece of my life that I would love to continue putting more effort into. With a full time job and a home to care for, HB is unfortunately not at the forefront of this journey just yet. I joined buymeacoffee to allow the opportunity of the love I know it can bring and the community I’m confident can grow from this love of self, so I’m reaching out to see who else is interested in learning along with me. Thank you for your consideration in subscribing to the blog, for the support along the way, and for becoming the beautiful human being that you are.

Stay rooted,
Shelby :heart: