Travel and adventure

How Traveling and Adventure Changed My Attitude Toward Life

Travel and adventure

How Traveling and Adventure Changed My Attitude Toward Life

Today marks the 33rd year of my life. It’s definitely had its ups and downs over those decades but you know what? Every single one of them was worth it. I have grown into what I truly feel is the best version of myself so far, and I feel more and more confident every day in the choices I’ve made to get myself here. Where are you at on this journey of life? Have you felt the subtle shift in your levels of consistency, confidence or balance? Let’s talk about those.

Women in yellow pants stretching

Growing  Through Travel

Not only do we need to represent more of our truest selves, but we need to focus more heavily on the balance part. That’s where this blog came from, anyway. The need to balance more of well, everything. The need to do less, not more. The want to have it all, while working less. It’s a common want, isn’t it?

Something that I chalk a ton of credit up to in the past year alone is travel. Travel has become such a larger part of my life than I ever thought it would. It’s changed me in so many ways. You really start to realize how small you are in this large world when you begin embracing the beautiful nature and animals and landscapes around you. Even learning how to connect with others in similar mindsets on these travels can show you how much you’re not alone and how many needs you have that can be validated by others seeking the same thing.

Finding myself has been something else. It’s not an easy task and it takes a LOT of constant work. Taking care of your body and mind is basically a full time job if you’re working towards doing it “properly.” And, while there really is no “proper” way of doing so, we can get on the right track now and then.

As we make small changes each and every day, as we listen more to our inner voices and less to the noise of the busy world, we begin to notice how much of a difference those small changes can make over time. For me, those small changes led to getting off my couch and getting into nature. It started with a few walks around a local park, then trail running, then hiking, then camping, then backpacking, then soaring across ridgelines with the love of my life taking in full 360 degree landscapes of mountains and oceans and pine trees and condors flying beside me instead of above me.

I try to be as honest as I am able to when I write these posts. And honestly, I’m basically crying right now.

Related: Dealing With Change: An Uncomfortable Shift In Mindset And A Lesson Learned

Connecting as a Fellow Human

I’ve found myself doing that a lot lately. Finally finding myself in tears of joy, gratitude, happiness, pure blissful enjoyment of the world and life I’ve created around me. I used to laugh at people that would feel this way. Invalidating their joy because I was unhappy with my own circumstance.

Now, I look at others and try to listen more, try to understand their involvement with this world and how they’re enjoying themselves differently. I no longer resort to judgement, but relaxing and simply absorbing their stories. How else are we to learn as humans but to completely melt into others words?

This is connection on another level. It’s connecting as a fellow human being, not just an ear to bend. I want more of this, and I highly encourage you to start making moves to do the same. It is a beautiful feeling.

Related: What Are Your Pillars? Mental, Physical, Emotional Health Foundations



two girls looking over lake to mountains on a recent trip as they travel across the land


As we move forward on this blog, Habitual Balance will begin to include more posts regarding travel, backpacking, cooking, and how we manage all of those on the go. I want to introduce you to these ahead of time so that you know where HB’s future lies.

It will continue to be all about this journey we’re all on, and how we can do better along the way, but travel is something near and dear to me and I encourage everyone to do so much more of it. Why do we limit ourselves on this short-term life? We only have so much time to go out there and see the world, so why not work on adding it into our lives more often?

The hubs and I have come a long way in our travel goals over the past 12 years. We’ve experienced a multitude of different kinds of destinations, but at this time, we’re looking to more adventure and less sitting around. (Don’t get me wrong, we still sit for 2 days after hard hiking trips before heading home!)

However, I want to share with you that we’ve just booked our very first beach campground….in Kauai.

I can’t wait to discuss this new experience with you. It will be one that I’m certain will be unforgettable. Until then, please stay tuned to hear more about some tips and tricks I would like to share with you about past adventures into the Grand Canyon, Angel’s Landing in Zion, Seneca Rocks, Sedona, and more.

Thank you as always for sticking around and supporting Habitual Balance.

As I continue to grow, I’m grateful to grow with you all that are within the same realm and want others to feel comfortable in diving in as well.

Let’s make that happen, one human being at a time.

Couple travel


Habitual Balance began in January 2023 as just a thought bubble inside my head. I wound up in the hospital with what I thought was a stroke, and landed on my couch with serious anxiety about how I was living my life for 30 years. Since then, it has grown into a beautiful piece of my life that I would love to continue putting more effort into. With a full time job and a home to care for, HB is unfortunately not at the forefront of this journey just yet. I joined buymeacoffee to allow the opportunity of the love I know it can bring and the community I’m confident can grow from this love of self, so I’m reaching out to see who else is interested in learning along with me. Thank you for your consideration in subscribing to the blog, for the support along the way, and for becoming the beautiful human being that you are.

Stay rooted,
Shelby :heart: