Four corners monument and why we are all just robots in an ai world

We Are All Just Robots Living In An AI-Inspired World (But It Doesn’t Have To Be That Way)

Four corners monument and why we are all just robots in an ai world

We Are All Just Robots Living In An AI-Inspired World (But It Doesn’t Have To Be That Way)

Sometimes it seems like the day takes forever when you’re not in control of it, doesn’t it? The day ticks slowly away as you move through the motions of work, school, or whatever it may be that you’re not enjoying at the moment. But then the bell rings, the workday ends, and the rest of your life outside of those walls begin. I like to embrace these hours dearly, so much so that I make sure to make the utmost use of those minutes, forcing myself to get healthier, stronger, more knowledgeable and more understanding of the ways I can eventually be within the walls of my choosing, all day every day. However, most of the world operates a little differently. Most of the world decides to do the same exact thing, every single day, day after day, for the rest of their lives. Which path do you see yourself on?? How is it that most of us on earth never see more than the four corners of our cubicles? Speaking of the four corners, the four corners monument is a monument I’d like to visit someday…

Getting Stuck on Autopilot

How is it that we drone on from day to day without an actual end in sight of what we are working toward? A lot of people will do the same thing day in and day out, with minimal efforts toward growth or exploration of themselves or the world around them.

For most people, there is no wonder of what lies outside of their nearest town. There is no path to ending the rat race and expecting more of themselves in entrepreneurship. There are no gains at the gym because the workout is repeated the same exact way every time they go, and although going in itself is important nonetheless, we cannot as humans experience growth without the right mindset in the first place.

A lot of people will wake up with their alarm, scroll on their phone to absorb news that doesn’t even pertain to them, roll out of bed groggy and annoyed with the day already, then do the same routine before going to work. The workday consists of similar acts each day as most of us in the universe don’t understand how to actually push ourselves. And once the workday ends, we will forge the same path home, picking up the same fast food or ordering in so that we can spend more time watching our beloved Netflix shows to chill to, before hobbling our achy and tight bodies into our mediocre beds that we don’t take more seriously even though we should.

Then, we hit repeat.
Over, and over, and over again.
Does this sound familiar?

Two Steps Forward

I’m writing this post today to encourage you to take more steps forward instead of back. Instead of walking along the same path as others before you, try stepping outside of bounds and making your own path alongside it.

There is no reason that we have to be forced into the same routine each day (unless of course that is what we’re looking for out of this life). And there is nothing wrong with that. Plenty of shorts online these days are highlighting how it is much less stressful to be immersed in the 9 to 5 world because it’s still getting the job done and the bills paid.

I’m not for that life.
Are you?

Although I do my best to create routines and habits (clearly, since this site is based on creating habits and balance), I still want to push the boundary of what I can accomplish in this life. I don’t want to sit idle and never understand my greater purpose because I’m “content” with working for someone else I don’t really like, in a job I don’t really care for, to create a lifestyle I’m not really fond of. My point is that it’s okay to want more.  To want to see new places.  What’s your four corners monument that you want to visit?

It’s okay to embrace what you truly desire and to find ways to work for yourself if you so choose or travel the world more often or sell everything and plop a tiny home on some property instead of the typical cul-de-sac life.

Let’s break free of this robotic lifestyle and become what we were truly set out to be.
Are you with me?

Ways to Implement

To help you create a new side-journey to your current one, I’ve added a few simple points that are important to highlight. Just carving room in your day for at least one of these will do a little more to change your life every day. You just have to want to do them.

As we move through this life, we make millions of tiny choices. We struggle in some things and excel in others. I believe one thing for sure. The struggle IS real. It IS that extra push we need sometimes to figure out our next steps. Life isn’t always going to be on easy mode, and frankly, I don’t want it to be. Continue with me on this journey to embrace new challenges and take on new tasks that can show us how to be more human instead of another robotic mind in motion.

girl on swing thinking about the four corners monument

Four Corners Monument | Navajo Nation Parks & Recreation

Discover the Four Corners Monument of the Navajo Nation. Learn about the history, significance, and attractions of this iconic landmark where four states meet.

Navajo Nation Parks & Recreation

Habitual Balance began in January 2023 as just a thought bubble inside my head. I wound up in the hospital with what I thought was a stroke, and landed on my couch with serious anxiety about how I was living my life for 30 years. Since then, it has grown into a beautiful piece of my life that I would love to continue putting more effort into. With a full time job and a home to care for, HB is unfortunately not at the forefront of this journey just yet. I joined buymeacoffee to allow the opportunity of the love I know it can bring and the community I’m confident can grow from this love of self, so I’m reaching out to see who else is interested in learning along with me. Thank you for your consideration in subscribing to the blog, for the support along the way, and for becoming the beautiful human being that you are.

Stay rooted,
Shelby :heart: