Hey guys. If you’ve been along on our journey so far, you may have noticed that we skipped a week here at Habitual Balance. That’s because of a few things that we’ll walk through today. December is already several days in and it’s flying by faster than ever. Have you taken a moment in time to sit back and take in your surroundings? Your family? Your growth? What are you looking forward to next year? Let’s talk about these things and habitual growth, shall we?

Defining Family and Family Growth
Family first has always been something drilled into my head growing up, and it probably goes that way for a lot of you as well, I’m assuming. The fact of the matter is though, that family doesn’t always have to be blood. Maybe you found a friend that you grew up with that’s basically became your sister, or have you ever thought about the fact that our own spouses or significant others aren’t “blood-related?” It’s for the bees. December brings on a new journey, one that starts us on a track to really feel the pressure of the new year ahead, and notice from our reflections in November how far we’ve actually come. Are you ready to transition into the next month with new growth? Or do you still feel stuck in the past? Over the last week or so, I’ve been realizing that these members of my life don’t have to be from my family tree. I’ve taken more time to reflect on that and realize that whom I love spending the most time with might just be the persons that aren’t related to me at all. (Or maybe, they’re even not even human! …Speaking to my fellow pet lovers out there!) I’m not sure about you, but I’m one who has come along way in the personal growth category. I used to thrive on going out and socializing, only to realize that it was seriously depressing me and feeling comfy at home was where I’d much rather be. It’s not always easy to understand those feelings, let alone act on them. Where do you love being most? Who do you love being with the most? Is it a friend? A family member? Or perhaps your dog? Related: How Self Reflection Helps You Grow as a Person
Time Goes Fast, Be Present Now
Having lost one of my furbabies last year, I feel much more compelled to make more time with my dogs these days. One recently developed arthritis, while the other got diagnosed with a tick disease. It’s so hard for me to process still that these little munchkins are just full of love but only around us for a short period of time. Fair, no, but still this is the way of life. If I learned anything from losing him, it was one thing. To be more present. To really embrace every moment and take in the sunlight, the wind blowing, the leaves crinkling. But not just in nature. I’ve also made myself learn how to become more present in daily life revolving around work-related topics, and during family time as well. To sit down without a phone or laptop and to actually have real conversations. Recently I was told (not for the first time), that I am constantly on my computer. (Because duh, I love connecting with you guys!!) However, that comment made me realize that I was spiraling again. That I was doomed to go down the burnout path once more if I didn’t start to pick myself up from a work day and turn the dial to off mode. We all need a wake up call now and then, don’t we? Related: Looking Internally – Rediscovering Your Why & Why It’s So Important To Growth
What Does Habitual Growth Look Like For You In 2024?
What does your upcoming year look like? Are you flustered about this year still? Have you made amends or plans with friends or family? Or maybe you’ve made promises you already know you’ll have to break, which of course, causes our all too well known friend to arrive…anxiety. Anxiety is something I’ve become more aware of this year. It’s shown me more about myself and why I do certain things certain ways, or why I feel things differently than someone else may. How has anxiety impacted you this year? And what do you plan to do to offset it in the year to come? Maybe you’re realizing that a specific job needs to be changed, or maybe just someone in that job. Have you looked inside of your relationships lately and thought about what you could give more of, or maybe could receive rather?? Now is the time of the year to start resetting your timeline. Begin again with a new mindset and new ideas, because with each coming year we grow and develop into new individuals. We find homes in other hearts that maybe had been there all along, but just were not open yet. Do you have plans for the holidays? Or would you prefer to high-tail it to a beach instead? Depending on your answer, what could that help to tell you about your relationship with those around you? Let’s dive into these uncomfortable topics more in depth during December, and find out what you’re really striving to accomplish in 2024. Related: Lost and Found: Finding Yourself and Gaining Clarity In Life