how can self reflection help you grow as a person

How Self Reflection Helps You Grow as a Person

how can self reflection help you grow as a person

How Self Reflection Helps You Grow as a Person

Last week we talked about finding our truest selves, and the week before that we spoke on using November as a month of self-reflection. That is what road we’ll be continuing down in this post, so if you’d like to dive into a little more about how we can keep growing despite changes that happen to us, stay tuned.  Let’s look at how self reflection helps you grow as a person. Grow as a person through self reflection

Life Imitates Art, Art Imitates Life

Although I try to keep themes for each month for these posts, at times I feel it’s just necessary to talk about the present. Ironically enough, the present directly correlates with a ton of self-reflection this week and knowing how to grow better in the future. Let’s talk about it. Growth is all about change…and my friends, change is hard. It is basically one of the hardest things in life to partake in, which is why so many of us seem to fall short of our goals and dreams. We have trouble pushing past the change and don’t always see the blossom coming full bloom on the flower in the Spring. The dark and drearier days seep into our souls, and alas, we get stuck. Our feet feel like cement, our heart attached where we get pushed and pulled into different directions all at once. Knowing your true self, knowing how to navigate your real feelings, those…those are the hardest of them all. Related: The Role of Self Reflection in Personal Growth Beautiful girl by the ocean

Self Reflecting on Change

When we face difficulties within our relationships, we find ways to point the finger, blame another, do nearly anything to spend all of our efforts by turning it away from ourselves. When the truth most of the time is that we are the ones that need changing. We are the ones that need to make a change.

What change have you recently run into in your own life?

The road that we all stumble down decides to twist and turn at times. It falls short of certain goals and reaches far past others than we could have imagined. It shows us doors that we never thought to open, and slams others closed in our face. Why does this occur? My theory is, is that we need these changes to happen to us to remain growing. When we don’t get challenged by our spouse, our family, our work-life, we tend to get bored, saddened, or get lonely and fall into ourselves too deeply. Only then do we find it even harder to get out. We melt into the easy flow of life, not realizing how quickly it passes by us, day in, day out, continually encapsulating us on an endless loop. Have you ever stopped to wonder if this loop can be broken? Can you create your own change?? Related: Lost and Found: Finding Yourself and Gaining Clarity In Life Girl reflecting in the mirror on change

You Have to Ride the Waves of Life, My Friend

This week showed me a lot of change, things that were all previously out of my control, but that I have since realized happened to me for a reason. (Something we just spoke about recently if you’ve been keeping up with these posts). These changes occurred both in my personal and professional life all at once. They showed me how to adjust, adapt, and grow (but only after uncomfortable conversations and changes that made me sad). However, therein lies the opportunity that all of us seek. I relate it to a sort of high. A coming down off a dreary, gray cloud, and setting foot onto a golden pathway to your next destination. I find a route that only opened up after the heartache of these changes left me. Don’t get me wrong, we are only all human after all. Which means I most certainly did my fair share of sulking, napping, shopping, eating, and binging YouTube shorts. The truth is that life is a rollercoaster, and you have to simply learn to ride the waves of life, my friend. Whether that includes creating new challenges for yourself, writing out your next goals and ambitions, drawing up a new vision board, or just writing down your newly formed habits everyday to stay accountable. I believe in you, and I have faith that you can conquer whatever difficult road you may currently be on, because I’m right there with you on the same exact journey. embrace the darkness

Relax, Recover, Reflect

Not long ago I had a conversation with a friend. We talked about how cycles of life can affect the cycles of our daily feelings, activities, and decision making. It’s something I’d never considered before. How dare we stop grinding because the weather changed. How dare we let up on our hobbies or sports for a week or two when that time of the month comes. Have you ever considered that Mother Earth herself takes her own natural breaks? Think about it. How much time have you spent in the outdoors just, being? Have you taken a breath of fresh air as the cool, fall wind passes by? Have you checked out the changing, dying leaves around you and realized that this too, is their season to rest and reset? Change is happening everywhere around us. Perhaps we should start letting it happen for us, as well? Take a breather today. Schedule time in your calendar if you must. Relax, recover, and reflect. We are all a part the universe, maybe we should start behaving like it…and realizing the change that happens to us, is just showing us that the best really is yet to come. Related: Working Through Self Expectations & Limitations Girl reflecting on herself

Thank you for reading  “How Self Reflection Helps You Grow as a Person”!

Thank you for reading today’s post about how self reflection helps you grow as a person!  Let me know what resonates with you. If you have a suggestion for what our next post should be let us know.  Don’t forget to check out our sister site Rooted Drawers.

Habitual Balance began in January 2023 as just a thought bubble inside my head. I wound up in the hospital with what I thought was a stroke, and landed on my couch with serious anxiety about how I was living my life for 30 years. Since then, it has grown into a beautiful piece of my life that I would love to continue putting more effort into. With a full time job and a home to care for, HB is unfortunately not at the forefront of this journey just yet. I joined buymeacoffee to allow the opportunity of the love I know it can bring and the community I’m confident can grow from this love of self, so I’m reaching out to see who else is interested in learning along with me. Thank you for your consideration in subscribing to the blog, for the support along the way, and for becoming the beautiful human being that you are.

Stay rooted,
Shelby :heart: