Let's chat about moving ahead in the new year and how I've been focusing more on "appreciating the now" lately.

Moving Ahead And Appreciating The Now

Let's chat about moving ahead in the new year and how I've been focusing more on "appreciating the now" lately.

Moving Ahead And Appreciating The Now

We talked a little so far in December about how to stay more present within the tasks you’re focusing on and why that gratitude should be taken a little less for granted. Today I’d like to chat with you about moving ahead in the new year and how I’ve been focusing more on “appreciating the now” lately. Snow in the great north

Understanding Stressors And How To Avoid Them

It’s hard sometimes to understand where to draw the line. When do you start putting play first and work second? I feel like this is something we likely all struggle with, so let’s talk about that a little bit today. This month I’ve been doing exactly the opposite of last year. This quarter, actually. From Fall on, I’ve been focusing more on my mental and physical setbacks that are holding me up, why they are (or were) happening, and how I can conquer them just a smidge better in the first quarter of 2024. The last quarter of the year always starts a hustle and bustle of family get togethers, birthdays, anniversaries, events, games, vacations (or the lack of), and work…a LOT of it. You could say that last year I held about one ounce of what I do this year for personal time or time with my significant other. It really sucked to say the least, and in January I felt all of the effects of burnout at once. This year I’ve been taking more time to understand stressors, how to navigate them more appropriately, and what I can do to avoid them or move through them instead of letting them control me and/or my behaviors. Have you ever felt like this? That you were basically in the passengers seat just struggling to stay on the ride? Related: How Self Reflection Helps You Grow as a Person Trying to move ahead and appreciate the day

Find Your Spot

Today I’m writing to you from an old refinished whiskey distillery. It’s located in the bottom half section of a now-usable horse barn, where the horses and foals are sitting right outside the window waiting for pets. (Yes, of course I petted them! Don’t worry, this was 100% allowed by the Airbnb owners!) It sits on a beautiful piece of land that has immaculate sunsets and sunrises. The cooler air means one thing, more comfy clothes, space heaters, dark wine and hot cocoa. It’s like roughing it in luxury. There’s the original barn doors, the same beams on the bed that the barn was built with in the 1800s, but also, a towel warmer. (Yes, really!) My favorite spot has to be the cute little wooden nook in the corner behind the bed. It’s the perfect setting for when I’m inspired to write, being that I get distracted easily and there is nothing but wooden walls around me. It even has a kitchenette, but we chose to make this a driving foodie type trip instead! Almost 10 years ago to the day, we spent many months here for my husbands work. It was so cute and quaint but it’s something we never really appreciated until we were no longer around. Recently, I was looking back at an old album, and noticed a picture from a place we used to frequent. It was at that moment I brought up Airbnb, (after having an exceptional experience in October! In case you missed that post, check it out here!), searching for the perfect place that wouldn’t be too far away to revisit our old stomping grounds. I found this one pretty quickly and immediately booked it. I’m so glad I did. Let it snow

Nostalgia And Appreciating The Now

During this trip, we drove around to the old sites we went to a decade ago, enjoyed some of the same meals, and stopped by our old place. We chatted a bunch, enjoyed each others company, and listened to old country music on the radio, (it’s all that was available!) However, there were some times as well when I wasn’t my best self. It’s always the times where I set my expectations too high and feel guilty about not being able to just “go with the flow,” something I’m trying to work a lot on these days. Instead of misunderstanding one another like we used to though, the hubs and I figured out what the issue was, talked through it, and moved on with our day. It made me even more grateful to be able to be with someone so understanding and patient. If you’re thinking this sounds too good to be true, don’t get me wrong. I think every relationship takes work, and that includes working on yourself…which is why it’s so important to me to understand myself better instead of solely focusing on external sources as I did in the past. Moving forward will always be harder than looking back. And I realized exactly that this was part of my problem this time. I had held on so tightly to our past, that I forgot about allowing time in for new memories and creating additional sparks on our timeline together. We’ve changed, individually and as a partnership. My advice to you this month is to allow that change. Let it in and absorb it all. Embrace and appreciate the now.  Breathe new air into your lungs even if it’s from the same place you went to 10 years ago. Stop chasing what has been and start embracing what you’ve become. When you start living with less expectations, you can continue to create the next step in your journey. Related: Acknowledging Burnout & Learning Where To Find The Lightbulbs Habitual Balance during the winter months of 2023.  Appreciating the now with your significant other.

Thank You For Reading “Moving Ahead And Appreciating The Now”

Thank you for reading today’s post about how I try to keep appreciating the now. What has your path to productivity looked like? Let me know what resonates with you. If you have a suggestion for what our next post should be let us know. Don’t forget to check out our sister site Rooted Drawers.

Habitual Balance began in January 2023 as just a thought bubble inside my head. I wound up in the hospital with what I thought was a stroke, and landed on my couch with serious anxiety about how I was living my life for 30 years. Since then, it has grown into a beautiful piece of my life that I would love to continue putting more effort into. With a full time job and a home to care for, HB is unfortunately not at the forefront of this journey just yet. I joined buymeacoffee to allow the opportunity of the love I know it can bring and the community I’m confident can grow from this love of self, so I’m reaching out to see who else is interested in learning along with me. Thank you for your consideration in subscribing to the blog, for the support along the way, and for becoming the beautiful human being that you are.

Stay rooted,
Shelby :heart: