finding strength in slowing down

Navigating Hardships: Finding Strength in Slowing Down

finding strength in slowing down

Navigating Hardships: Finding Strength in Slowing Down

Hey friends, Last week we talked about how working through personal problems is at best the one of the hardest things we as humans have to do…and we’re often doing that alone. It’s not easy, being you, and I just want you to understand that I’m here for you. I’m here providing an open book on my own struggles and want you to be in the know that we all have our moments of hardship and struggle. The thing is though, we can get through it. We can push past those hard times and come out stronger. I promise. Let me talk about how I’m getting through mine…can you relate? Reflection and slowing down in life to find strength.

No Pain, No…Well Some Pain

Last month, I had some exciting news. I can finally compete in my new favorite sport, BJJ. That took a backburner when I had to take some time off last year due to working too much, struggling with setting myself back on a mentally healthy path, and most recently, a work injury to my right wrist resulting in my first set of stitches ever. It sucked, and I was instantly angry knowing exactly what I’d just cost myself. Let me explain a few things to get you caught up to speed. I’ve been practicing BJJ now for nearly 2 years, several times a week with my best friend (aka the hubs). We’ve loved it since day 1 and he’s got to compete once already. I was super jealous because I, too, wanted to stand by him on that day. Unfortunately at that time, I just wasn’t ready yet. Hell, I don’t even know if I’m ready now. Probably not, but we’ll just roll with it, right? So as you can tell, this has been a want for some time. Once I finally pushed through getting myself back on a good mental track, once I finally stopped participating in the rat race before my personal growth and relationship with myself and my husband and BJJ, I was feeling more ready than ever. Then, I had a relapse. The Road Less Traveled: My Journey To Healthy Part 1 Get to nature. Slowing down helps you find strength.

Oh What a Rush

Not of alcohol, not of drugs, not of anything crazy…but of rushing. Rushing: aka – going too damn fast, running around without necessity, speeding tasks along where they didn’t need to be. You see, I was especially mad this time because this time, I knew better. I knew there was strength in slowing down.  Yet this time, I had experienced the angst that rushing had caused me in the past. But I did it anyway. There I was, working my day job when the most ridiculous thing happened. It was 20 minutes until my shift was over, and 2 short hours before my private one-on-one class with my Coach’s coach. I was so excited to learn from him especially since he only comes to town once a year. Before I knew it, my (dominant) wrist was bleeding heavily. I ran up the hall to my manager’s office and said I needed something to stop the bleeding. I’d broken a plate against a counter and caused the need for 6 stitches within the hour.  It was when it felt like I was holding a ton of bricks that I knew I would not be participating in class or much of anything else fun at least for a few weeks. As the super active person that I am, I was in pure dread. Irritation above all else, since again, I knew better.   habitual balancing  

Finding Strength in Slowing Down

I used to rush around all the time, until I continued to get bumps and bruises that I didn’t recall happening. Do you ever have that problem? Most people I talk to do. Crazy, right? The fact that we move so fast sometimes without really being present that things like literally hurting ourselves just go by the wayside. We need to do better, friends. How often do you have these moments in life? Are they frequent? Not so much? Maybe not at all? What were you doing when those moments occurred? Were you really present at that moment? Like, 100%?? It’s doubtful. For 4-6 weeks I was in and out of MedExpress, annoyed on walks or hikes because my wrist was out of commission. No strength training, no BJJ, no pushups, pullups, opening of doors the wrong way or pushing myself up from a chair without shooting pain. Talk about frustrating. Sure, there are several of you out there that may have had similar or maybe even worse experiences, and I feel for you, truly. The good part through all of this is that we have a choice. We always have a choice. The Role of Self Reflection in Personal Growth Don't work too fast and stress yourself out. Balance is about finding strength in slowing down.

Discovering Power in Embracing a Slower Pace

How did it make you feel? How did you or are you dealing with this current struggle? Are you pushing past it and finding new ways to function? Or are you pouting on your couch? (A little of this is of course absolutely okay!) But I strongly suggest you get back out there and get after it. Through my own experience, I learned to improve my ways of doing things. I learned to slow down more like I had in the past, and also how to use my elbow in BJJ instead of relying on my hand. I’ve opened doors now with my forearm (which is technically healthier anyway!), and I’ve worked hard to start strength training again with more oomph than I have ever before. I’ve come to realize that with age comes increasingly more determination, even if you have a harder time physically doing something. Do you feel the same? I run faster, train harder and work more slowly. I pay attention to others talking, listen to stories people tell, and try to spend less time worrying. I’m grateful for my working legs, my healing wrist, and my ability to still compete in something at 32 years of age. My advice to you today is to take some time to count your chickens before they hatch, don’t rush things. Life rushes us enough and we deserve better, don’t we? girl sitting by a tree contemplating habitual balance

Thank you for reading today’s post Navigating Hardships: Finding Strength in Slowing Down

I want to thank all my readers and supporters who have traveled with me on my journey so far including today’s post about my finding strength while slowing down.  I truly hope this post can help someone.  Have you experienced something similar?  Let us know.

Habitual Balance began in January 2023 as just a thought bubble inside my head. I wound up in the hospital with what I thought was a stroke, and landed on my couch with serious anxiety about how I was living my life for 30 years. Since then, it has grown into a beautiful piece of my life that I would love to continue putting more effort into. With a full time job and a home to care for, HB is unfortunately not at the forefront of this journey just yet. I joined buymeacoffee to allow the opportunity of the love I know it can bring and the community I’m confident can grow from this love of self, so I’m reaching out to see who else is interested in learning along with me. Thank you for your consideration in subscribing to the blog, for the support along the way, and for becoming the beautiful human being that you are.

Stay rooted,
Shelby :heart: