Girl twirling in white dress after learning to be okay with her body.

Overcoming Negativity On The Scale: How I’m Learning To Be Okay With My Body

Girl twirling in white dress after learning to be okay with her body.

Overcoming Negativity On The Scale: How I’m Learning To Be Okay With My Body

A while ago, more specifically last Fall (2023), my doctor told me I’d need to lose 15-18 pounds to reverse my fatty liver and get back on track with my health. Mind you, I am a (beginner level) mountain climbing, BJJ lady that hikes 10 miles for fun on a regular basis. I eat well most of the time (or so I kept telling myself), and I frequent the gym several days a week. Which leads me to believe that A LOT of us humans out there have health issues we’d never know existed if it wasn’t for accidentally finding out. How scary is that? I have put in a ton of work on myself since then, but I’ve only dropped 7-9 pounds. Since I’ve been hovering around the same weight for a few months now, I did an experiment this week. Let me tell you about it.
woman laying on iron board out in the woods. Iron is on the board and the board the iron and the shirt are all pink.

My Experiment

For awhile I thought, there has got to be an easier way. How do the girls on Instagram and YouTube do so well? How do they ALWAYS look good and never have to worry about their weight fluctuating through daily life, let alone during hormone spikes, pregnancies, postpartum, and difficult times.
…And then I remember that I’m just seeing what they want me to see.
I’m here on this blog to be real with you. To be real with myself. I’m telling you flat out how I feel about everything in this universe not only so that you can know it’s not just you, but also to hold myself accountable. I’m not here to spend time highlighting the good and casting a shadow on the bad. I’m here to talk.
So, let’s talk.
Before my most recent trip out west, I did great with eating habits and exercise. (My version of great, of course. Remember to try not to compare yourself to others, as long as you’re one step ahead of yourself from yesterday, you are growing).
I had cut out Red Bulls, (seriously, I’ve tried EVERY other brand. I hate them all.), I increased my protein, ate more salads and spent time consistently in the gym. In my opinion, a barrier was crossed. I had finally made it to the mindset of “I’ve got this.”
When we returned, I was a little surprised but pleased to find out that my weight had stayed exactly the same. Even though we did a ton of hiking and activity, I still made sure to eat mindfully and space out my treats. (I may have had an occasional Red Bull and some skittles! Moderation, friends!)
So, this past week, I ran an experiment. I indulged in what I was craving and didn’t hold back. I wanted to see just how quickly that weight could go back on. And I was grossly underestimating how fast it could happen.
Related:  Utilizing Garden Veggies To Save Money While Meal Prepping

Hard work and exercise can help you defeat the scale while learning to be ok with your body

What I Learned and What My Body Told Me

Monday, I had a cheesesteak. Half for lunch and half for dinner. I had soda multiple times throughout the week, a few energy drinks and an ice cream cone. I relished in having pizza for many meals, and focused less on balance and more what my body was saying it wanted instead of listening to my mind.
I’ve averaged the same weight for around 3 months.
In just 5 days, I gained SIX pounds back.
Yes, 6. My mind was blown. I didn’t feel like I looked any different in the mirror, but I did feel significantly more fatigued and lethargic. And those feelings came BEFORE I weighed myself this morning.
The whole reason I’m going through these points with you today is to say that I’m going to start focusing more on what my mind and body needs to stay healthy and less on indulging in whatever is easy.
It’s easy to order pizza every night. It’s easy to swipe through the dinner options on DoorDash. But it’s hard to plan and shop and meal prep healthy breakfasts, lunches and dinners every week. It’s hard to keep up with finding healthy alternatives to your favorite snacks or recipes that don’t actually suck with newly found ingredients.
Finding those alternatives have taken me literal years. One by one I’ve begun to replace my favorite meals and snacks with healthier options and more and more I began to realize that if I hadn’t started doing that when I did, that I may be having an even harder time losing the necessary weight.
Why are the options so hard to find? Sure, there are a ton of replacement items stocking the shelves and coolers these days as opposed to 10 or even just 5 years ago. The hard thing for me though is that only a small percentage of those things have any flavor or nutrition to them. Learning nutrition and how to properly and mindfully indulge is still to this day something I struggle with.
So, moving forward, I’m going to return to thinking before I eat and start accepting that this weight is okay. It’s my new normal. I have plans for change though and I want to bring you with me through that change.
Learning to be okay with your self is tough. Woman in a meadow thinking about how she has changed.


5 Snack Ideas and 5 Exercise Options to Help You Be More Comfortable With Your Body

Have you ever heard of “body recomposition?” This is when you focus more on a tape measure and less on a scale to provide proof of your efforts making the cut. Body recomposition focuses on implementing more strength training and less on counting calories.
When I say this body is “my new normal,” I don’t mean I’m giving up on my goals. I’m simply readjusting how I focus on them, so that I can lean into a healthier mindset and eating habits.
Even though I feel that I use the 80/20 rule effectively, there is always room for improvement. I want to begin emphasizing more on protein intake and less on removing certain foods.
Although I’ll be adding in more strength training, I still plan to use cardio as a form of exercise. This looks different for everyone, so don’t feel like you have to go jump on the treadmill and walk for 5 miles each day. That’s boring. Do something you love.
Here are some options that are good for both cardio and strength!
1. Rock climbing
2. Hiking
3. Swimming
4. Biking
5. Dancing
I’d also like to introduce you to a few of my favorite snacks that are tried and true, (trust me, I know how frustrating it is to want to try out a new chip brand only to waste $7.00 on a mouthful of yuck.)
1. Lundberg White Cheddar Mini Rice Cakes (delicious to curb your appetite)
2. Millet & Brown Rice Ramen (fast, easy, and versatile!)
3. Topo-Chico Lime With Mint Flavored Sparkling Water (to curb those random Red Bull cravings!)
4. Chobani Complete 20gram Protein Yogurt Smoothie (quick to grab for when you’re on the go!)
5. SO Delicious Dairy Free Dipped Double Chocolate Delight Ice Cream Bars (the perfect size dessert to satisfy a sweet tooth!)

Related:     Utilizing Garden Veggies To Save Money While Meal Prepping

Defeating the scale isn't easy. Girl on a swing with boots on.

Listen to Your Body, Not the Scale

We need to stop focusing on what the scale says and start worrying more about how we feel. If you feel sluggish or fatigued regularly, it may be because you’re not ingesting the best ingredients or food choices. It may be because your current workout routine isn’t showing up for what your goals are.
When we push the reset button on our mindset, we tend to overcome new challenges and obstacles that previously blocked our way from getting to the next step. It’s time we get healthy and get happy because I truly believe that with one comes the other.
On our recent trip, I had more time than usual. Which meant I finally got to prioritize stretching, meditating, breathwork, reading, taking my vitamins, greens gummies, electrolytes, matcha tea, and hydrate properly. I slept amazingly, I felt fantastic, and I chalk a lot of that up to following that flow as well as getting a great dose each day of the outdoors and sunshine.
This time, I plan to continue on that journey. I plan to put more time and effort into working toward my fitness goals while focusing more on how I feel. When I feel good, I have more energy, when I have more energy, I have more time and focus to work harder on my goals.
I’m asking you to come along with me.
What can you change in your day to day to ensure a better nights sleep? What can you adjust in your busy schedule to focus more on your overall health and longevity? I promise, one small change at a time is all it takes.
We will get there, together.
blonde girl on the shoreline looking out with coffee in hand and sunglasses on her face

Thank you for reading today’s post Overcoming Negativity On The Scale: How I’m Learning To Be Okay With My Body

I want to thank all my readers and supporters who have traveled with me on my journey so far including today’s post about learning to be okay with my body.  I truly hope this post can help someone.  Have you experienced something similar?  Let us know.

Habitual Balance began in January 2023 as just a thought bubble inside my head. I wound up in the hospital with what I thought was a stroke, and landed on my couch with serious anxiety about how I was living my life for 30 years. Since then, it has grown into a beautiful piece of my life that I would love to continue putting more effort into. With a full time job and a home to care for, HB is unfortunately not at the forefront of this journey just yet. I joined buymeacoffee to allow the opportunity of the love I know it can bring and the community I’m confident can grow from this love of self, so I’m reaching out to see who else is interested in learning along with me. Thank you for your consideration in subscribing to the blog, for the support along the way, and for becoming the beautiful human being that you are.

Stay rooted,
Shelby :heart: