A lady looks to the sunrise as she attempts at Quitting Drinking

Dry January…What About A Dry Life? 3 Cheers For Breaking The Generational Habit Of Alcoholism Part 1

A lady looks to the sunrise as she attempts at Quitting Drinking

Dry January…What About A Dry Life? 3 Cheers For Breaking The Generational Habit Of Alcoholism Part 1

Alcohol is a drug. It’s a poison. It’s what we learned in D.A.R.E. to stay away from and not steal from our parents fridges or pantries. It’s the gateway to doing “real” drugs or to allow you to let loose enough to say yes to them at least. It’s also the party bringer, the ease of all emotions, the life to any get-together with your college friends or your uncomfy in-laws. It allows freedom in your mind and body, to explore places and activities you may never have the chance to do unless you ingest some of that clear to dark brown liquid death.

…Is it worth it?

Alternatives to drinking alcohol. Woman having a glass of sparkling water or champagne.

Why is Quitting Alcohol Frowned Upon?

I write to you today as an early-thirties female that drank a little more than she should have in her adolescent years. I used to be ashamed of that, feel guilty talking about it even though it was such the norm when I was fully immersed. Those days flew by, not just because it was basically fun all the time every day all day, but because they were also a blur from being either intoxicated or hungover.

I’ll be honest now, because well, I like you guys. And you know what? I like me a lot more now as well. It took a long time to come into that acceptance, but holy crapola am I sure glad I did.

I don’t really know why it’s so widely accepted, or why it’s frowned upon for giving up and quitting drinking. People sure as hell don’t look at you sideways when you quit cigarettes, or drugs, or freaking pop for that matter. (That’s “soda” to you southern peeps out there).

So, why is it so weird to the world when we decide to take the hard ass steps to becoming sober and quitting drinking? Why is it that we get shunned from parties and get odd looks at family functions when we’re not downing as many drinks as the rest of them? Strange, don’t you think?

If you’ve been following Habitual Balance for some time now, you’ll know this has been a brief mention here and there. But each time we chat about it I’d like to dive into a little more context for the other uncomfortable humans like me that felt so out of their skin the first time we said it was time to give up alcohol.


Woman in blue shirt with curly hair looking out on the horizon as she contemplates alcoholism.

Making the Decision to Stop Drinking Alcohol

Let me clarify.

When I decided to throw in the towel on drinking, I actually never felt so sure of my decisions. (Coming from a HIGHLY indecisive person, may I add). But the uncomfies started flowing in when I started meandering out into the world and got googly eyes when I grabbed a sparkling water or a root beer instead of a brewski or a cocktail. (PS, did you know the word “brewski” is actually Russian? And here I thought it was some coined Pittsburghese or whatever. Pssh).

Why is it so unnatural to ask for a different kind of beverage instead of quite literally pouring poison into ourselves? From what I’ve read and watched and listened to since becoming sober, I have begun to notice some amazing changes happening in our world. (Changes I would have also never known about before quitting drinking were I still to have the beer goggles on).

Changes like local breweries that offer non-alcoholic beer to go along with their wood-fired pizza, or wineries offering their chilled juice instead to pair with their linguini, or even mocktail shops where you can go and find actual liquor look-a-like bottles that are all non-alcoholic. (In case you’re still feeling those uncomfies and want to try to get less weird looks when you go out).

Alcoholism is a disease.

…But it’s also a feeling.

Related: Working Through Self Expectations & Limitations

Woman in sequined dressing dancing while holding up a glass of wine.

Alternatives to Alcohol

Let’s put it to the test. What do you remember about your favorite party? What booze you drank or the high you got from being buzzed with your besties and the emotions that came along with it?

Do you remember what shoes you wore or what outfit you finally decided on after an all day event of try-ons? (Not looking at pictures from the past, that’s cheating!)

Or is it more like the vibes you felt from the crowded room where all your loved ones and friends were gathered and happy, singing Sweet Caroline and Asher Roth til the sun came up.

Psst. (I’m guessing it’s the second one.)

Therefore, I am totally here for the newest mocktail shops and NA beers coming onto the market. They’re more prevalent than ever before and I couldn’t be more excited for this movement.

Check out this online shop that offers a TON of options for whatever you’re into.

Here are my top 3 personal favorite sparkling water brands that are tried and true throughout the last 222 days.
I prefer the lime flavored options, but if I can’t find any of those I just grab some lime juice and add my own!

  1. Topo-Chico (bottles or cans)
  2. San Pellegrino (bottles or cans)
  3. Liquid Death (as spotted below in the pic!)

Don’t like sparkling water?  Try this smoothie recipe out.

Having a good support system when quitting drinking is critical. Lady with alcoholism sits above a man in a beanie.

The Benefits of Choosing an Alternative Beverage

Do you know why?

Because instead of feeling bad about regretted decisions since I would alter the state of my brain, I now can enjoy the feeling of celebrating my milestones with those closest to me with a cold Topo-Chico (with lime of course) in my hand. I remember everything, I wake up feeling hydrated and refreshed, the bubbles feel all bubbly-like, it’s great.

Check this out…
Lime extracts and brain health
Lime extracts may protect brain cells from the effects of sugar and amyloid beta toxicity. And guess what? It’s also helpful for those that struggle with anxiety, so, double yay!

I’m sure you’ve heard of those “healthiest alcohol to drink” articles that explain in great detail how good it is to drink just one glass of red wine a day. Or that hard kombucha is a happy medium. And hey, maybe that works for you.

However, for a lot more of us out there than we choose to acknowledge, alcohol is something that has been unknowingly abused. We pour those red, red, wine glasses way too full. We drink a few more hard kombuchas than we really should, not only taking advantage of the alcohol in it but also that friendly little live bacteria that can upset our stomachs by the time we’re done singing and what we call dancing through our favorite playlist.

Guys, it’s time we take our lives back. It’s high time (no, not High Noon), that we embrace life to the fullest and enjoy what we were put on this earth to do. It’s time that we learn how to be our truest selves and stop masking how we feel with the disease we choose to think we’re too good to say we have.

Let’s talk in the comment section if you need to chat. If you’re considering giving up drinking, or anything else that’s holding you back, I’m here for you. I’ve lived through quitting drinking and I understand. No matter when you’re ready, I promise your habits with alcohol can become more balanced when the time is right for you to make that decision.

Be honest with yourself.
Are you consuming it? Or, is it consuming you?


Girl sitting by here bed looking out the window after a party.


Thank you for reading today’s post Dry January…What About A Dry Life? 3 Cheers For Breaking The Generational Habit Of Alcoholism Part 1

I want to thank all my readers and supporters who have traveled with me on my journey so far including today’s post about alcoholism, quitting drinking, and alternatives to beer.  I truly hope this post can help someone.  Do you relate?  Disagree?  Let me know in the comments.

Habitual Balance began in January 2023 as just a thought bubble inside my head. I wound up in the hospital with what I thought was a stroke, and landed on my couch with serious anxiety about how I was living my life for 30 years. Since then, it has grown into a beautiful piece of my life that I would love to continue putting more effort into. With a full time job and a home to care for, HB is unfortunately not at the forefront of this journey just yet. I joined buymeacoffee to allow the opportunity of the love I know it can bring and the community I’m confident can grow from this love of self, so I’m reaching out to see who else is interested in learning along with me. Thank you for your consideration in subscribing to the blog, for the support along the way, and for becoming the beautiful human being that you are.

Stay rooted,
Shelby :heart: