Rediscovering your why

Looking Internally – Rediscovering Your Why & Why It’s So Important To Growth

Rediscovering your why

Looking Internally – Rediscovering Your Why & Why It’s So Important To Growth

Greetings fellow humans! Today I’m coming at you from a quaint little spot in the heart of town. It’s quiet, it’s peaceful, it’s the old timey gives you good vibes feeling kind of place. Stumbling upon this tiny gem of a restaurant got me thinking, a lot more than what I thought I actually went in there for. Let me tell you about it…and how it’s affected my mindset behind why I do what I do, and the importance of rediscovering your why too! Find Your Happy Place Related: Introducing Habitual Balance  

Why I Needed to Change My Mindset

Today I had a doctors appointment. Just a checkup but it was frustrating nonetheless. I had to take off work, (yes, I still call it that even though I work for myself!), and drive way out of my way to get to the cold and white box of a doctors office instead of my own comfy couch with the pups. Irritated most of the way there, I decided to try and change my mindset on the way back. After all, I’d be making another stop to thrift and that was bringing some feel good vibes in itself! Side Note: If you don’t already know, we have a sister site that talks all about thrifting and how to break out into the reselling biz! Check out Rooted Drawers! On the way home though, I decided to stop and grab a bite to eat. I don’t mind eating alone. It’s become obvious to me though that over the years of meeting others, not a lot of people enjoy doing so. To me, it’s rewarding in so many ways. It gives you a chance to actually develop a relationship with yourself, and learn how to become more independent, outgoing, and attentive. Remembering Why You Started I googled the restaurants on the way home that I’d pass, and discovered a Greek restaurant along the way. Now, I was actually craving some Pizza Hut, but as I’ve been trying to do better this year with my eating habits as I get older, I thought it may be best to opt for something a bit more Mediterranean. So, off I went. Related: Looking for a new side hustle?  

Finding Clarity in a Dim Room

The parking was a hassle in itself. Everything was jam packed on the street, there was construction and detours due to an event happening that night in the city. The parking garage was my only hope. Great, I thought. Those always give me anxiety. I thought about saying never mind and going somewhere right off the road instead that would have been easier to get to. But I found a spot and backed in, (back in my friends! best to be prepared to pull out in case of emergency!) Then I found the elevator, but decided on the stairs instead. Why not get a little cardio in, eh? Little things add up, so implement them when you can! Using GPS again to find my restaurant, I walked towards the little dots on the map in that direction. I went under more construction, only to miss the place I was seeking out! I backed up, and realized it was tucked inside just a bit. The door was open and the sign said so too, so in I went! It was quiet, empty, and dim. The lights were turned down like the old Italian restaurant I worked at as a teen. It was homey, with black and white pictures all over the wall, Greek symbolism everywhere and vintage mirrors between each set of tables. The smell was wonderful, and the setting was just right. The perfect setting for rediscovering your why accidentally. I walked up to the counter and rang the bell, once…twice…three times. I was about to walk out when a man came around the corner. So, I inquired about some lunch and grabbed a menu. Just then, an older man walked out to greet me, making a great sales pitch about everything that was delicious in his restaurant. Old Man Chef Rediscovering His Why After choosing 3 more things that I originally wanted from the menu online, he sat me down at a table nearby. It was so cool. What a great experience I thought to myself. Customer service has really gone by the wayside these days, and here I was, getting top notch care in a little tiny restaurant that I never knew existed. It was so refreshing. Related: Practicing Gratitude in 2023  

Rediscovering Your Why Through Outside Experiences

The old man brought out his homemade red wine that he talked me into on his great grandmothers copper serving tray. It was 250 years old. TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY. Then he brought my meal and set it down as well. He asked if I needed anything else then left me to be for the most part. It was great. Just enough, I thought. Being a waitress for most of my life, I really value a good customer service experience when dining out, especially alone. Since I now am one of those people that bring a laptop everywhere, I often get quick service because I’m “just another person with a laptop.” The wine was impeccable. So great in fact that I bought a bottle for my husband and I to share. The food was delicious, and made me realize that yes, I do in fact love hummus. The chocolate cake was just as good, with whipped cream and chocolate sauce topping it off. My quick stop for lunch turned into an experience. This is what moves me. What sparks the passion behind working for myself, behind writing for others, and behind understanding more of my why. Remember Your Why, Rediscovering Your Why  

Getting Lost in the Shuffle

For a while now, I feel like I’ve started to lose that. I kept reaching for the stars and following the trends, finding the new niches and hopping on the bandwagon. And then I kept stumbling. Why in the world was this happening? How was it so difficult to continue on this path? Rediscovering your why comes when it needs to, for you, personally. It hits you like a ton of bricks. An “aha” moment, if you will. It reminds you just why you started doing whatever it is you set out to do, and pushes you to realize how you’ve got this far in the first place. Sitting in that restaurant and meeting the most adorable old man really made a switch internally. He loved what he did so much that even at 83 years old, he was still the one doing all of the work for it. Even on a slow Monday afternoon, he was there. He provided the best service he could, and tracked people down outside that were just bypassing. Because of him, they too, had a wonderful meal and experience. Because he cared about his mission, and stuck to it. Why is your why important and how rediscovering it can cause growth  

Finding Your Passion – Finding Your Love – Rediscovering Your Why

I love what I do. Do you love what you’re doing lately? Sometimes we need a reminder of how far we’ve come, and why it is that we’re on this path to begin with. Are you chasing the moon or are you being your authentic self? Sure, not everyone will understand or agree with this mission, but you know who you are and what you set out to do. And that’s okay. It’s not all that matters of course, we still have deadlines to hit and others to connect with. However, if you continue to be what you set out to be, then you will continue to love what you do. When we start to stray off course, we begin to face burnout, or start to loathe what we’re doing each day, instead of looking forward to it. We lose the love and begin to hate. Whatever path you’re on, whatever journey you decide to take, whether it be personal or business related, I challenge you to sit back and rediscover your why. Really dig deep and understand just what it is that your goals are, and why you pursued them in the first place. Are you still in love with them? Best to check yourself before you succumb to something that doesn’t align with your true intentions. How will you do so? This will be different for each and every human out there, but you’ll know when, and maybe where. Come back and let us listen to your story. Come back and let others hear about your why. Center Yourself Through Habitual Balance

Thank you for reading  “Rediscovering Your Why & Why It’s So Important to Growth”!

Thank you for reading today’s post about rediscovering your why!  Let me know what resonates with you or if you have a suggestions for our next post by commenting below.

Habitual Balance began in January 2023 as just a thought bubble inside my head. I wound up in the hospital with what I thought was a stroke, and landed on my couch with serious anxiety about how I was living my life for 30 years. Since then, it has grown into a beautiful piece of my life that I would love to continue putting more effort into. With a full time job and a home to care for, HB is unfortunately not at the forefront of this journey just yet. I joined buymeacoffee to allow the opportunity of the love I know it can bring and the community I’m confident can grow from this love of self, so I’m reaching out to see who else is interested in learning along with me. Thank you for your consideration in subscribing to the blog, for the support along the way, and for becoming the beautiful human being that you are.

Stay rooted,
Shelby :heart: