Someone asked me about my recent trip today. I think they were more excited than I was to talk about it. People keep telling me they’re trying to live vicariously through my travel adventures. And all I can keep thinking of is like, then why not just go yourself? There’s something to think about with all of this. I want to encourage you to stop surviving and start thriving. Don’t just live, start LIVING. Let’s talk about Part 2 of our Kauai adventures today and stop setting limits on ourselves to enjoy more of this beautiful life we’re all a tiny but significant part of.

What Does Surviving Look Like?
Guys, we only have this life, so why are we sitting around on our phones just wasting it? Doom scrolling for days in a revolving door not ever pushing forward into the next challenge or adventure. We make mundane tasks last hours just to get through our career. We pretend to like everyone around us just to save face. We don’t even enjoy what we’re doing but we do it anyway for LIFE because we feel as though we’re doing the best we can.
Are we??
I sit here today, as one of you. As a human who feels there is more to get out of life than a bi-weekly paycheck. I’m looking to create more ways every damn day. Looking for ways to create more flexibility in my life, more ways to live freely without risk of being without a job by wanting to travel more, and more ways to find supportive avenues to raise a family than just the daily grind of the rat race.
What are your thoughts about these things? Drop a comment if you’d care to share. <3
What Stops Us From Thriving?
Just 2 weeks ago, I was on a returning flight from The Garden Island of Hawaii. It was a long flight yes, but enthralling nonetheless. I’m the kind of person that loves airplanes and airports, despite the annoyances that they come along with. Once I step foot out of my home, in my mind, I’m technically “on vacation.”
So I soaked up every minute of that 9+ hour flight back, just to be able to mindlessly watch free movies (which you can on the Southwest app!), receive text pics of my furballs from the dog sitter, (also free!), and not think about work while napping next to strangers who breathed loudly and elbowed me off my armrest. (or is it theirs? I never know).
And now, that I’m officially back at it with my full-time gig, immersed in my somewhat cluttered home, I’m already counting down the days until we have the opportunity to hike into Havasupai Falls. (We were scheduled for last fall, but unfortunately the flooding forced us to reschedule for spring. Stay tuned for a post all about it after we visit this coming April!)
What is it about vacationing that haunts us when we’re back home? Why can’t we feel that bliss every day of our lives instead of just on blue moons? (Which if you’re wondering and are a space nerd like myself, is only every 2-3 YEARS.)
Which from my experience, is about how often people actually schedule decent vacations for. That’s not enough. We have to do better. We have to make time and space to create more breaks and save for rainy days so that we can have the chance to embrace the feeling more often instead of less.
Are you with me in figuring out new ways to do so?
Read Part 1 of my trip to Kauai
The Na Pali Coast in Kauai
We trekked up and down the Na Pali coast in Kauai. We spoke to each other more intentionally without phones buzzing in our back pockets and we enjoyed each other’s company more vividly over JetBoiled coffee and dehydrated meals in the mud. We hiked through slippery trails and leaf-covered jungle to get to one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.
We shared our trail with mountain goats, centipedes, feral pigs, and so many amazing birds. We sat through rainstorms and enjoyed the mist on sweaty days to cool us down, and smiled from ear to ear even when we put on wet quilts at night and wet clothes in the morning. We crossed creeks and mountaintops and developed new memories that only we get to share with one another.
I want more of this. In fact, I crave it.

Trust me, no one really notices or cares if you take 3 vacations a decade or 3 vacations a year. Which by the way, is our new minimum. One vacation (of some sort) every 4 months. We do our best to include some kind of adventure at the start of the trip, and some chill mode at the end of it.
We shoot for at least 3-4 days (depending on the location of said adventure), at minimum, and up to 9-12 days as our current maximum. We also like to do our best to camp out of our car or backpack at least once each month, no matter the weather. Although we are currently considering a cabin for our February plans…
Breaks are healthy, refreshing and necessary. We are not meant to work our lives away.

Here are some of our favorite stops in Kauai (and why, of course!):
- Anini Beach Park
- Check this link out to see the Kauai County Parks & Rec site!
- This was one of our favorite campgrounds. We decided to stay at our hotel a day early, therefore eliminating this night’s stay from our itinerary, but we still used it to dry out our equipment and walk along the beach before heading to the resort. We also ate up the last of our snacks and used the rest of our JetBoil fuel before doing the dishes in their handy-dandy camp sink.
- North Shore Bowls
- This was our first “real food” stop once we got done backpacking. It was not only delicious, but I also snagged some super cute trinkets for traveling back home!
- Russell’s By Eat Healthy Kauai
- We stopped here not once, but twice. It was freaking amazing. The aesthetic, the food, the atmosphere and beautiful scenery. Definitely will be back.
- Pitch-A-Tent Kauai
- I mentioned this a few posts back on the first Kauai post. It saved us for quick dehydrated food options and electrolytes snacks! They have a huge stock of rentable equipment as well that is a quick pick-up if you’re looking for a contactless service when you get off your flight. Hooray for less packing!
- Kalalau Trail
- The hardest, most epic, intense and incredible hike of our lives thus far. HIGHLY recommend *with the right amount of research and preparation!!!*
- Waimea Canyon
- Such a vast and beautiful landscape right next to the ocean. We didn’t get to spend as much time here as anticipated, so it has definitely made its way onto our bucket list for a trip to come.
- Kokee State Park
- Absolutely one of our all time favorite campgrounds in the country. The perfect amount of peacefulness, seclusion, and community.
- Na Pali Coast
- If you’re not up for the 11 mile trek in and another 11 miles back out to Kalalau Beach, try making your way to the Na Pali Coast via boat with a plethora of tour options!
- Captain Andy’s Raft Tour
- Speaking of boat tours, this was SO FREAKING COOL. Captain Andy’s crew took us out in the early morning to see the sunrise surrounding the Na Pali Coast. We were lucky enough to see whales (more common in the winter season), spinner dolphins, monk seals, and even took a plunge into the ocean since the winter weather was too rough to snorkel near the coast. It was a 10/10 experience.
- Hanakāpīʻai Falls Trail
- We thought that 4 days backpacking the Kalalau Trail would be plenty. We were so wrong! We reserved 3 nights, meaning we had about 4 days. When we go back someday, we plan to reserve it for 5 nights (which is the maximum allowed) so that we can plan plenty of time to hike to the beach and back, while allowing additional time for visiting both waterfalls along the way. (The more popular one being Hanakāpīʻai). Unfortunately, we didn’t have the time or energy to dedicate to it this time which was a super bummer!

Don’t forget to stop back (or subscribe if you wanna be besties), to hear more about backpacking tips and tricks we learned in our most recent Kauai trip.
Next time I’ll be introducing my favorite products as well as a super handy travel checklist to keep on hand with you when you’re getting prepped for your next adventure!
Each time I travel to a new destination, I learn more about who I am as a person, but also how to pack better, what to bring next time and what to leave behind. I’d be honored if you’d share any tips of your own that you’ve embraced along your own journey!
Talk to you soon!
Thank You For Reading Time To Start Thriving In Life Instead Of Simply Surviving: Kauai, Part 2
Thank you for reading today’s post about my journey in Kauai. Do my travels resonate? Let me know in the comments. If you have a suggestion for our next post, let us know.