To Conquer your goals in 2024 you'll need to become your own teacher.

To Conquer Your Goals in 2024, You’ll Need To Become Your Own Teacher

To Conquer your goals in 2024 you'll need to become your own teacher.

To Conquer Your Goals in 2024, You’ll Need To Become Your Own Teacher

Goals. That’s what this month is all about, right? Goals to do better in the physical health world mostly, goals to excel in your studies or career, and goals to just be an all around better person in life. This isn’t something that was hard-wired in my brain growing up, it was there, buried way in the back, just waiting to be unleashed. What do your goals look like for the new year? Did you make a list and check it twice?  Let’s take a look at why you’ll need to become your own teacher to conquer your goals in 2024. Habitual Balance Goals for 2024

Goals, Goals, Goals in 2024

Once upon a time goals were nonexistent. As a child, you live a lot of your life day to day and look forward only to what’s for dinner and at who’s house your next sleepover will be. I’m looking forward to setting more goals in my life these days, and here’s why you should consider it, too. Have you ever thought that a goal was unreachable, only to succeed far past yours and others expectations? I can’t say this has happened all the time, but it is something that I’ve known others to do and myself from time to time, as well. Many years have gone by with goals achieved and goals missed, but this year hits differently. This year is going to be for you, for me, and for all the other souls out there striving for a better mindset. Today, there are more than enough articles, podcasts, channels and blog posts filled to the brim with helpful information showing us the best and most certain ways to achieve said goals, however…most of us simply just watch them. Once you watch and listen, do you implement them? Do you set out to conquer those new goals or do you just push past them and schedule them once more for the next January to come? Reality check friends, that January is here once again. Related:  Habitual Growth: Looking Back And Moving Forward Teaching yourself new lessons to improve your habitual balance

How to Create a Goals List

I’ve gathered my thoughts and a few notes on the matter of today’s post, so that we can glue these pieces together and find out what parts are worth lingering on and which can be tossed away. Let me know what your thoughts are about them in the comment section, and feel free to share any tips of your own! How to Create a Goals List:
  1. Write them all down. Yes, all of them.
  2. Find your top three and move the others to another section or another piece of paper to remind yourself of them later. (Only add them to your original piece when you feel it’s the right time).
  3. Take the top choice of your top three and begin challenging yourself to achieve it.
    1. Bonus tip! Write down beside each goal how much time you think each should take to conquer, goal posts are necessary in achieving larger goals.
How to Conquer Your First Goal:
  1. Vanquish any doubt that you won’t achieve said goal.
  2. Vanquish those doubts again…trust me, they’ll return.
  3. Take the first steps in achieving that goal, and write out each step completed on a third piece of paper. (Invest in a pretty notepad if you get motivated by those things…speaking from experience of course).
Finally, How to Achieve Your Remaining Goals:
  1. Take one step at a time. Rome wasn’t conquered in a day and girl, we’ve got bigger problems than Rome.
  2. Check those boxes. Release those endorphins and get excited. You’re doing this.
  3. Keep that paper with you at all times. Check back when you feel down and reinvent yourself when necessary to accomplish them.
Keep it simple, sweet, and easy to remember. Related: Moving Ahead And Appreciating The Now Goals remind us of who we want to be

Goals Remind Us of Who We Want to Be

These goals may take minutes or maybe years, but all the while, I urge you to keep them with you. If you don’t have a pocket then carry them in a purse or a bag. Find a safe space for them and make several copies if you choose. Laminate them, embrace them, believe in them. When we have goals that stare back at us, we are faced with a constant reminder of what it is that we’re searching for. Is it love? Money? Is it a little bit of both? Perhaps it traveling more often or adopting all the pets. It could even be as big as saving up to afford the house of your dreams or marry the love of your life. Or, it could be as simple as getting out of bed today. (This is a hard one for heavy sleepers like myself). Replace your goals as you cross them off. But! Keep your same sheet. Continue to write #4, #5, and so on, so that you are consistently reminded of how far you’ve come each time you look at that notepad and how many goals you’ve already crushed. I’ve tried several different approaches at figuring out why I would get stuck in completing my own goals throughout the years. Whether it be procrastination, annoyance, or impatience, one thing stuck. Even though goals of ours may change, completing them shouldn’t. If you feel as though you need to alter a goal in time, then do it. It’s your list and your very own master class. Now it’s up to you to be the best teacher. Girl sitting in the rain looking for Habitual Balance as she tries to conquer her goals in 2024.  

Thank You For Reading “To Conquer Your Goals in 2024, You’ll Need to Become Your Own Teacher”

Thank you for reading today’s post about how to conquer your goals in 2024. What has your path looked like? Let me know what resonates with you. If you have a suggestion for our next post, let us know. Don’t forget to check out our sister site Rooted Drawers.

Habitual Balance began in January 2023 as just a thought bubble inside my head. I wound up in the hospital with what I thought was a stroke, and landed on my couch with serious anxiety about how I was living my life for 30 years. Since then, it has grown into a beautiful piece of my life that I would love to continue putting more effort into. With a full time job and a home to care for, HB is unfortunately not at the forefront of this journey just yet. I joined buymeacoffee to allow the opportunity of the love I know it can bring and the community I’m confident can grow from this love of self, so I’m reaching out to see who else is interested in learning along with me. Thank you for your consideration in subscribing to the blog, for the support along the way, and for becoming the beautiful human being that you are.

Stay rooted,
Shelby :heart: