Hey you. How are you doing? Mentally, physically, emotionally? Is all well or is one of these three pillars of your foundation on the brink of collapse? Let’s chat today about life in 2024 and how we’re handling it thus far. As well as how we can approach situations differently and come out on top from here on out.

Three Pillars of Your Life – Mental Wellness Pillar
The three pillars of your life come in many shapes and sizes, but these three are what the majority of us probably focus on most of the time. Should we focus on one more than another? Should we even care about all of them as much as some? These are the questions that linger in my psyche and most likely in some of yours as well. First let’s talk about our mental wellness. Have you done any taking care of that lately? Do you have plans to do so in the near future? If so, how? Here are a few options to check in with yourself if you’re lacking ideas as of late.- Call up a friend, laugh a little, enjoy your time without looking at the clock.
- Go for a walk with your dog(s), or cat…or ferret. No judgements here! Get you some nature, friend.
- Take a nap. It’s okay, really. 10-20 minutes will do the trick. Get off your phone and get in your head.

Don’t Forget About You – 3 Physical Pillar Tips
Have you checked in lately with that good old flesh and bones of yours? Bodies are weird, they come in all shapes and sizes too, but alas the one you call home needs some TLC now and then. So, my advice? Give it some! More often than not. Here’s some to-do’s for you.- Run. Run for a minute, an hour, whatever you’re feeling. Running fuels the body and mind so much differently than walking. Give it a try.
- Move some weight. Whether this be your own bodyweight or dumbbells at the gym, push yourself and really freaking mean it. Go ahead, grimace, the world isn’t watching.
- Stretch yo self before you wreck yo self. No but seriously, it’s one of the most commonly looked over natural healers of chronic pain. Promise yourself 2.5 minutes each morning and night and then feel the difference as you increase your time.

All the Feels – Emotional Pillars
Ahh, emotions. Those will get the better of us more often than not. They suck and they’re beautiful all at the same time. Help yourself grow into more emotional maturity. How do you do that? I’m glad you asked.- Talk to a therapist. No, not a friend or family member, you’re not paying them to hear your problems, and they probably get bored of listening anyway. Check out BetterHelp online, it’s a cost-effective and incredibly convenient option to get your mind right.
- Read! It’s like our generations embraced the growing online community and forgot all about those smelly old hardbacks sitting on the shelves. There’s something nostalgic and comforting about brushing the dust off a good self-help book and flipping through the pages without needing blue light glasses.
- Change your mindset. Including the words you speak and the things you choose (or choose not) to say. Listen more and understand people and yourself just a little deeper.

There’s Still Time This Year
If you have had a rough start to the first quarter, don’t back down. Push through and know that you’re only 1/4 of the way through 2024. Lean into what successes you did have and don’t shy away from new challenges at work or in life. Try to adapt to new ways of thinking and sit back and relax just a little more. Have you read a good book recently? Do you prefer Audible instead of paperback? Drop a comment below, let’s talk about the key differences and why both options are healthy choices for us individually. If you’re still looking, here are a few options in the meantime.- Can’t Hurt Me, by David Goggins
- The Universe Has Your Back, by Gabrielle Bernstein
- Grit, by Angela Duckworth