Reclaiming My Life: The Fight Against Anxiety Part 1

fighting anxiety woman looks toward nature for peace

Hey guys. We have talked a lot about self-growth on this blog, but I wanted to share with you a little more about my more recent vulnerabilities that I’ve been experiencing. As a human, we all have our flaws. We all have comfort zones and levels to push past on a daily and regular basis. […]

Learning To Walk Through Struggle: Realizing My Journey Is My Own

Looking out across the valley from the mountaintop

Hey friends. I’m writing to you today from the beautiful state of Arizona. There are countless miles in front of me of flat land accompanied by serene mountains and plateaus in the far spaces. Today I faced one of the most challenging hikes of my life. It made me realize that no matter how much […]

Learning to Gain Freedom in The Mind, Body, And Spirit

What is your freedom

Lately we talked about letting go of the chaos in our lives. Have you made any changes since then? Today I’d like to talk a little about the ones I’ve made so far, and how they’ve since affected my overall well-being. I’m sleeping better, I have *slightly* less anxiety, and my home is becoming less […]

Understanding The Meaning Of Life & Letting Go Of The Chaos

Coping with chaos. A woman in a purple flower spaghetti strap dress looks on.

Hello friends. I’m sure that none of us really know the true meaning to life, but this is my current take on it. Take it, leave it, or provide some context of your own in the comment section. Whatever journey it is that you’re on, let’s travel that road together and realize that it was […]

Breaking Through The Pressure Of Society’s Expectations

Societys pressures

Sometimes I wonder how I got here. How did my liver decline to the point of needing to reverse it? How am I nearly 33 years old without one single child? Did I do something wrong? Or is this somehow all actually more right than I would like to give it credit for? These are […]

Reigniting The Feeling: Visiting Your Previous Self & Understanding What’s Changed

Woman with surfboard on her head. She is looking for a spiritual awakening.

Have you ever gotten stuck? I would almost guarantee that you’ve gotten stuck somewhere along this journey called life. It’s mental hell sometimes, and you know what? I’m right there with you. We’re going deeper today to look at experiencing a spiritual awakening. Are you ready? — A few years ago my spiritual life changed. […]

Utilizing Garden Veggies To Save Money While Meal Prepping

Red peppers for meal prep

Hello there and happy summer my friends of the internet! The time has come where we are midway through the gardening season in this neck of the woods which means a few things. Canning is upon us, green beans are full speed ahead, and I have more lettuce than I can fit in 3 salad […]

Unlearning A Fixed Mindset: Leaving Old Habits Behind

Brake bad habits

Ever since I was young, I always had this feeling like I’d never have enough time. This feeling was literally applied to everything, but as I got older, it became less like a feeling, and more like a mindset. It applied to bike riding with my friends, making funny home videos after school with friends, […]