Looking Internally – Rediscovering Your Why & Why It’s So Important To Growth

Greetings fellow humans! Today I’m coming at you from a quaint little spot in the heart of town. It’s quiet, it’s peaceful, it’s the old timey gives you good vibes feeling kind of place. Stumbling upon this tiny gem of a restaurant got me thinking, a lot more than what I thought I actually went […]
Developing Routines & What is Sleep Hygiene

Routines are not for everyone. But I’m here today to argue that they probably should be. Creating routines that work well for you each day will help to stay on track and aligned with the people you connect with most often. That could be your significant other, your kids, your boss or your co-workers. […]
Acknowledging Burnout & Learning Where To Find The Lightbulbs

Many moons ago, I thought about listening to the audiobook “Green Lights,” by Matthew McConaughey. I don’t know you, and therefore I don’t know your opinion on this man, but regardless, this is how my story started. Would you like to listen? Alright, Alright, Alright We all have those times in life where we want […]
Why I Chose Courage & It’s Endless Reservations

To be courageous is so many things within itself. Let’s talk about those feelings and reservations that come along with building confidence in yourself and the courageousness that comes in behind it for the win. A Call to the Sea Many months ago I had this longing, urging, pulling feeling to go to the ocean. […]
Working Through Self Expectations & Limitations

Not long ago I realized something important to my personal growth. It came with both a sense of accomplishment and also a sense of relief. However, it didn’t fail to come with some reservations about how I lived my life up until this point. Was I keeping expectations that were realistic? Or did they continue […]
Practicing Gratitude in 2023

Have you ever stopped to watch the clouds roll by on a cool Summer evening after listening to the storm all day? That’s what I’m doing right now. Practicing Gratitude in 2023 doesn’t take as much as you think. Go get you some. I’ll wait. Did you go check out the clouds today? We’ve all […]
Introducing Habitual Balance

Out of Balance As I sat down today to write the first blog post of Habitual Balance, I leaned back and closed my eyes. I sat there, waiting for the thought bubbles to come floating in. Nothing. I opened my eyes, sat up straight, really focused, and still…nothing. Then, I had a first time experience. […]